Super Bowl Food – TA Staff Picks!
We here at Ticket Alternative love any holiday that involves eating good food, and the Super Bowl is no exception! Whether its pizza, chips and dip, wings or beer, I think we can all agree that nothing goes better with football than some good finger-licking grub.
Here are some staff favorites:
**Gini Strobel, Marketing Manager**-
I know this is going to sound weird , but I get really excited about the celery and blue cheese that comes from Wing places. It just tastes better! I also love some spicy hot wings- Wing Factory has the best wings! If I have these items on SBS then I’m good to go..Well that and a cold beer!
**Elizabeth O’Brien, CSR**-
7 Layer Dip is a MUST HAVE for me 🙂
**Jason Hughes, Client Services Manager**-
I may step it up this year and actually do some real cooking now that we have a new range. But, the foods below have been on our Super Bowl menu for the last couple of years. It’s been awesome because it requires minimal prep and all of the food groups are represented. Go Falcons!
1st Quarter: Hummus with blue chips and vegetable crudite (cucumbers, red and green peppers, carrots, celery, cherry tomatoes, romaine)
2nd Quarter: Roasted cashews and almonds with sea salt and cayenne pepper
Halftime: Pizza from Fellini’s or Antico
3rd Quarter: The rest of the Blue Chips with salsa and guacamole
4th Quarter: Chocolate
Overtime (if needed): Noodles with sautéed vegetables and uncle’s hot chili oil
Note: All courses served with cold Perrier.
**Nick Hardy, CSR**–
You can’t do better than chicken wings when a good football game is on! It’s really the best compliment to any sporting event.
**Jennifer Ballard, CSR**-
It’s possible that every year, while I watch the Superbowl, I consume a pound of Nachos. Nachos, that are just covered in cheese and meat and olives. They’re just so warm and yummy!
**Angela Scarola, Designer**-
Queso. Tons of queso.
**Johanna Isler, CSR**-
So long as there is a feast of some sort, I am happy with whatever food is served at a Super Bowl party, but I do particularly love grilling out with friends!
**Hillery Terenzi, Accountant**-
My favorite is my homemade black bean corn dip that a friend of mine gave me the recipe to years is so good that my mom and my sister make it now as well!
**Iain Bluett, President**-
Nothing beats last year’s epic Snack Stadium! (Yes, it is a stadium made entirely of snacks).
**Molly Segers, Client Account Manager**-
There are few things as uninteresting to me as watching a ball game (of any kind), especially on TV. I usually try to come up with the most non-sportsy activity I can for “the big game”, like shopping or a museum visit. That said, I live and die for chips and salsa, so as long as the salsa is tasty and plentiful, I might be persuaded to tolerate a few minutes of it.
**Ross Rankin, CTO**-
Wings are always welcome with any game but it seems that I always windup making a 7-layer dip for the Super Bowl. I think it’s because it’s like loaded nachos but easier to transport and share.
**Darren Woodley, IT**-
Wings and beer. I’m sure there is no explanation necessary.
**Matt Park, CSR**-
My favorite Super Bowl tradition is eating too many hot wings.
**Patrick Moffett, CSR**-
I typically am a fan of wings and any sort of dip with chips. I think this is mainly due to the general association with those foods and football.
So from all us foodies here at Ticket Alternative, we hope you enjoy your Super Bowl festivities! And if you need any custom tickets for your Super Bowl party, we’ve got a great selection.

Ticket Alternative Snack Stadium
Category: Office Culture, TATP Picks